11. Publications#
Chhetri, T.R., Halchenko, Y.O., Jarecka, D., Trivedi, P., Ghosh, S., Ray, P. & Ng, L. (2025). Bridging the Scientific Knowledge Gap and Reproducibility: A Survey of Provenance, Assertion and Evidence Ontologies. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2025 (to appear). ACM, Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 28-May 2. doi:10.1145/3701716.3715483.
Chhetri, T.R., Jarecka, D., Trivedi, P., Amin, J., Baker, P., Dehghani, N., Bhandiwad, A., Smith, K., Ray, P., Bishwakarma, P., Ng, L. & Ghosh, S. (2024). BrainKB: A large scale knowledge graph infrastructure for neuroscience. Poster presented at the INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly, 2024.